
Summer 2007 I rode my bicycle from Seattle to Boston a distance of 4200 miles in 63 days. This ride had been a lifelong dream of mine. I came within a few days of doing a self supported XC trip in 2005 with my son Ryan and his friend Jesse but I got sick and could not make the trip. That was a big disappointment to me. Ryan and Jesse got as far as the middle of Montana before deciding to stop riding. Ryan chronicled their ride here: Ryan & Jesse's Ride Since none of my friends were crazy enough to ride the whole distance with me this year and I wanted some company I selected to join a ride planned and catered by Cycle America. I rode the Pacific Coast Coast Ride from Bellingham WA to San Francisco, CA in 2003 with Cycle America and had a great experience. As it turned out my older son Robert and my friend Wallace joined me for week 2 of the trip and Naomi rode week 4 while my younger son Ryan rode with me the final week of the trip.

The Nine Week Stage Map

The Nine Week Stage Map

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 10 Lincoln, Mt to Townsend, Mt

Very cold morning warming nicely later in the day. Had a good paceline going and then a weird thing happened, Roberts seat post bold broke and he had to sag 5 miles into the lunch stop. That was strange enough but even stranger was the fact that the very same seat bolt broke on my bike 1 hr later after lunch. I did a self rescue by riding 3 miles into the only bike shop within 100 miles in the town of Helena Mt. Rode like crazy by myself after leaving the bike shop stopping only to help Beth change a flat tire.
91 miles
2700 ft of climbing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bad road conditions?

ciao, rick from amsterdam